[슬기로운 의사생활(Hospital Playlist) - S01 E01]
- 오늘안에 불 다시 들어오게 할꺼지, 그치? / You can get the lights back up today, right?
- 얼마나 (이곳) 안 쓴거야? / How long has this place been empty?
- 어이구, 이크, 어이쿠, 으 / Gosh.
- 오~ 먼지(봐라) / Gosh, look at all this dust.
- 한 3,4년? / About three to four years?
- 나이트네(나이트 같네) / I feel like I'm in a club.
- 저거(전등) 곧 나가겠다. / That light will burn out soon.
- (놀람을 나타내어)와(맙소사, 어머나) / Goodness.
- 엄마, 전기 또 나갔어요. / Mom, the power went out again.
- 기사님 빨리 오시게 좀 / Can you get a technician quickly?
- 아~(그렇구나) / I see.
- 그럼 바로 오시겠네요. / He'll be here shortly, then.
- 왜, 커피도 엄마한테 먹어도 되는지 물어보지 그래? / Why didn't you also ask your mom if it's okay for you to drink coffee?
- 하루 한잔은 괜찮데. / She said one cup a day is okay.
- 저것들 아직도 안 버렸네. / You haven't thrown those out yet.
- 왜 버려 저걸. / Why would I throw them out?
- 근데, 너 진짜 안할꺼야? / By the way, are you really not going to do it?
- 어휴, 물론 안하지. / Gosh, no. Of course not.
- 그럼 왜 왔어? / Then why are you here?
- 너 보러 왔지, 너 걱정되서. / I'm here to see you. I was worried about you.
- 그럼 하면 되겠네. / Then just do it.
- 익준이만 있으면 되잖아. / You just need Ik-jun.(All you need is Ik-jun)
- 나는 필요 없잖아. / You don't need me.
- 안된다니깐. / I said no.
- 그게 그렇게 안 될 일이야? / Seriously? You won't? Is that how it doesn't work?
- 나도 안해 그럼. / I won't do it either.
- 어차피 지금 시간도 없어, 애들 논문도 봐줘야 되고. / I don't have time anyway. I need to help my guys with their thesis.
- 나도 좀 봐 줘. 내가 너를 왜 봐 줘. / Help me, too. Why should I help you?
- 그런데 오늘 지은이는 잘 보고 왔어? / By the way, did you see Ji-eun today?(did you have a good time today?)
- 좋아하는 것도 사주고? / Did you buy her things (that) she likes?
- 먹을거랑, 음악 잘 들으라고 블루투스 스피커도 주고왔어. / I bought her something to eat and gave her a Bluetooth speaker so she can listen to music.
- 여동생한테 하는것 친구들한테 반만 해봐라(~하면 좋을텐데). / If only you were half as nice as that to your friends.
- 불이 또 나갔어요? / Did the lights go out again?
- 예, 깜박깜박하더니 또 나갔어요. / Yes. This one was flickering for a bit and burned out again.
- 아이, 아예 전기 공사를 새로시 해야할꺼 같은데. / Gosh, it looks like you probably should redo all the wiring.
- 일단 임시로 작업은 해드릴텐데, 또 나가면 그땐 큰데 부르세요. / We'll get this working temporarily but call a bigger company if it reoccurs.
- 제 방 공사는 내일 하셔도 되는데 밤 늦게까지 감사합니다. / You could've worked on my room tomorrow. You didn't have to work so late. Thank you.
- 아저씨, 두꺼비집 내리고 하세요. / Sir, you should shut off the breaker before you do that.
- 장갑도 안끼고 그렇게 만지면 감전되는데. / You're not even wearing gloves. You'll get an electric shock.(If you touch it like that without gloves you could get an electric shock.)
- 119(불러). / Call an ambulance.
- 괜찮으세요? 어디가 불편하세요? / Are you all right? (Where) Are you in pain?
- 여보세요? 여기 조강동 33-1인데요. / Hello? The address here is 33-1 Jogang-dong.
- 감전으로 사람이 쓰려졌습니다. / A man collapsed due to an electric shock.
- 예, 빨리 좀 와주세요. 예 빨리요. / Get here quickly, please. As soon as possible.
- 가슴이 답답해요? 숨쉬기 힘드세요? / (Do you feel stuffy in your chest?) Are you having difficulty breathing?
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