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영어 연습/ebs power english

Power English(영어회화 레벨3)-21.12.01

by munnight 2021. 12. 2.

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영어회화 레벨 three power english. Welcome to 
the show. I'm Kristen Cho and I'm Cameron   Word. It's interesting that I've heard of 
actually people uh over enunciate. English.   yes. Words like. Overly. You know but, I don't 
recommend that. um. Especially if you're trying   for a more American accent. yes yes. uh, We're 
really lazy. We don't like to move our mouths.   Right. It's very unclear, yeah, the words that 
we're saying. Yeah so instead of like I heard   a lot of Korean people say like UCLA. It 
sounds I mean this is a very common example.   And they sound they feel like they sound really 
native by saying UCLA. yeah but of course you   know just stick sometimes if you don't have the 
perfect pronunciation. It's okay to just say UCLA.   Yeah. You know that's better. I think, yeah, I 
think, uh, many people worry about pronunciation   but I think that of course you want correct to a 
certain extent. yeah. You want to be understood.   yes. But then after that, I think that it's not as 
important as people want to think about it. That's   right. Communication is, that's the most important. 
is key. okay. So we're starting a brand new month   and uh I just want everyone to know that I have 
an Instagram account. yes. uh at the Kristen Cho.   And you can direct dm or direct message me for a 
free copy of our book. Yes. Because Power English   comes with a book. That's true. So if you want 
to read along as you're listening to the show.   Message Kristen. We give out. How many books 
per month? Uh, a lot. We give out a lot.   But you only get one. Yes. So if you win one 
month. It's over. No more for you. And what   is your Instagram account? Mine is Cameron dot 
Word. Perfect. Yes. All right. So, uh, we are   going to the hair and nail salon. Oh, I need a 
manicure. Oh I need a haircut. I need a perm.   Uh, what can we do for you today? Yes. 
And this is a question that the stylist   always 오늘 어떻게 해줄까요? Yeah. All right. It's the same 
thing. What can we do for you today? Yes. So this   is uh, the Korean phrase always confused me. Yeah,
어떻게 오셨어요?  This is uh. In Korea, it was really 
difficult for me to understand.   But this phrase, what can we do for you today, 
is very similar. Yes. It's basically. What   do you want? What do you want? What 
do you want? Yes. 어떻게 오셨어요? 어떻게 해줄까요? Okay. Uh, here we've got some expressions here. 
Yes. Uh get dolled up. D-o-l-l-e-d. Yes. So this   means to get well like dress well or you know put 
makeup hair on. do your hair well. as usually for   some kind of event. Okay. and it's most often used with women. All right. Uh knock someone's   socks off. This means that oh you're looking 
so good or you're so impressed by this person   that your socks 퓨~ come off. Wow. 
Okay. put one's best foot forward.   This means that you're trying to do your best 
putting your best effort into whatever action   or maybe your image, yeah, trying to look 
as good as possible. All right. so let's   go ahead and listen to our uh dialogue. 
And we're at the hair and nail salon.   Gabby. Hi. It sounded like you had a last-minute 
event to go to and those are never good well.   I'm going to my class reunion tonight. I wasn't 
going to go but my business trip was canceled,   so. So you decided to get dolled up and 
go to the party with your old friend.   Well, it has been 20 years. So how bad 
could it be? When I'm done with you,   you're going to knock your classmate's socks 
off. I at least want to put my best foot forward. Here we go. So Orson begins by saying Gabby, Hi. 
It sounded like you had a last-minute event to go   to and those are never good. So uh she called, 
yes, and the hair, this is the hair stylist.   And the, she had a last-minute event. So it 
was unexpected. Yeah, all of a sudden. All of a   sudden. I have to go to a really important dinner. 
mm-hmm. uh-huh. So what does gabby say? Well,   I'm going to my class reunion tonight. I wasn't 
going to go but my business trip was canceled,   so. Okay, I'm going to my class reunion tonight. 
Yes. So class reunion is our power vocabulary.   What is this? This is in Korean I believe it's 
동창회? yeah, like it's where all of the people   that you went to school with. You meet them again. 
Usually for a party. I think these are more common   in Korea. Actually, yes, in America, we have one 
every 10 years or so exa that's the point that   I wanted to make the 동창회 is a big thing like at 
least once a year. It seems for a lot of people.   But you have to understand that in America. 
It's maybe happens every 10 years or 20 years   like by the decade. Right Right. So it's a 
big event. Right. I had my 10-year reunion,   yeah, two three years ago. Did you go? No, No, I 
mean I was here. so, right, I couldn't go. but,   yeah, I don't know. Nowadays people don't even 
really care. Yeah, I don't I don't know I've   never been to a class reunion. I didn't like 
my people in high school. Why I don't want   to see him again. All right, so, uh I wasn't 
going to go but my business trip was canceled   so she was going to go on a business trip. It 
canceled now she's going to the reunion, right,   and Orson says. so, you decided to get dolled up 
and go to the party with your old friend. yes,   so you decided to get dolled up. So, if a woman 
gets dolled up, yes, so the word d-o-l-l 인형,   yeah, you might think like what is that doing 
in there? I mean it kind of is connected in the   sense that have you ever seen an ugly doll, uh, 
they're usually really pretty, yeah that's right,   with pretty clothes, yeah they're pretty 
clothes on, they've got their makeup done,   their teeth their teeth are straight, yeah hair 
is perfect, yeah, so in the same way especially   for women to get dolled up means to do your hair 
really well make your me like do fancy makeup,   yeah, wear makeup, nice clothes, uh so it seems 
like you're going to a special event. yeah so   basically if you're getting dolled up maybe you're 
you may even get a professional uh for weddings   for sure you probably would get dolled up. yeah 
well yeah yeah probably. yeah if you're well not   I mean even like the mother-in-law and the 
mother and all of them all get dolled up. right,   right. Um so here it's just put that extra 
makeup on and just make yourself look nice.   Uh, so what does Gabby say? Well, it has 
been 20 years, so how bad could it be? Okay,   now this is interesting. It's been 20 years. okay 
it's a 20-year reunion. wow, that's a long time.   Now the pattern is so how bad could it be. 
What is this asking? So how bad could it be   means that it couldn't be terrible, right? 
It's not going to be bad, right? It'll be fine.   That's the feeling. It'll be okay. It'll be okay, 
right? Yeah, It'll be okay right. So don't focus   on the word bad. Actually, it's not. It's pain. 
It's saying like actually it's not gonna be that   bad. Yeah, right. Okay, so, Orson says when 
I'm done with you. You're going to knock your   classmates socks off. yes, When I'm done with 
you. It means when I do your hair, do your makeup   maybe, your makeup maybe, then you're going to 
knock your classmates socks off. Yes. If you knock   someone with the socks off. What? What? it's just 
a strange expression. It is a strange expression.   First I'll give you the meaning. Okay it means 
to impress someone a whole lot. But the feeling   is like maybe like a cartoon, yeah, like those 
old-timey cartoons where the there's like a a   boy wolf and a girl wolf, yeah, and the girl wolf 
looks really pretty and the boy wolf season goes   like he's just so thinks he's so pretty, yeah, 
like and his socks fly off, oh, cause he's he   thinks she looks so beautiful. oh. That's the 
feeling of this expression. I like it. Okay, so   it's like wow. yeah, you know, wow that's amazing. 
yeah, okay, so Gabby says I at least want to put   my best foot forward. so if you want if Gabby 
wants to put her best feet forward. What does she   want to do? She wants to look as good as possible. 
Let's say you have a bad foot. Your foot's really   ugly. Oh, no. You don't want that in a picture. 
No. She put it behind you. Okay. And then you   put your good foot forward. Okay. That's not the 
real meaning but that's a good way to think of it.   You want your best side to show. That's right. Okay. 
So to put your best foot forward. Yes. All righty.   Uh, let's go ahead and listen to that dialogue 
one more time. Gabby hi it sounded like you had   a last-minute event to go to and those are never 
good. well I'm going to my class reunion tonight   I wasn't going to go but my business trip was 
canceled so. So, you decided to get dolled up and go   to the party with your old friend. Well it has been 
20 years, so how bad could it be? When I'm done with   you. You're going to knock your classmates' socks 
off. I at least want to put my best foot forward. it's time for power note.



We're on pages 10 and 11. 
So let's take a quick review of these expressions.   Get dolled up means to be really well dressed 
and groomed. Yes. Which means get your hair done   get, you know, put that extra 
makeup on. yeah, brush your teeth.   brush your teeth. Yes, good idea. that extra mile, 
you know, that extra or floss your teeth. yeah, okay,   uh wear that special dress. get dolled up. 
yes. all right. what are you all dolled up for?   well, maybe I should do this one. What are you all 
dolled up for? Okay, I have a date with Brad tonight.   I have to look my best. So usually when you go 
on a date. Maybe it's your first or second date.   you want to make it a good impression. yes, you're 
gonna get dolled up. Right. You know one time. What? I   used to teach English private lessons. Okay. I don't 
teach it anymore. Yeah. I was teaching this girl.   All of a sudden one day, she comes to me, like, 
a really nice dress. she's all dolls. she's got   makeup. I think she went to the 미용실
the beauty salon and got her makeup and hair done.   wow, wow, I was like, oh, why are you so dolled up? 
uh-huh, she goes I'm breaking up with my boyfriend. she was breaking up with her boyfriend. And she 
wanted to look dolled up, like, see, look what you're   gonna miss. oh, yeah, What a great idea! yeah, What 
a great idea! so you begin and end a relationship   by getting all dolled up. What a great idea! Okay. 
Betty got dolled up for her sister's wedding.   Yes. Weddings generally people dress really 
nicely. Sure. I will say, though. Korean weddings   obviously the bride and groom are will 
it really well dressed in their family.   yeah, Sometimes, I know, some of the guests are not 
as dolled up. No, and they should be in my opinion.   I think it's kind of respect a little bit. I 
mean yeah it depends on the kind of, you know,   whatever traditions you have. yeah, but uh usually 
weddings, sometimes graduations, engagement parties,   uh, what else might you get dolled up for? Um, you 
know, I don't know, like, a conference. Yes, yes, so   not business attire where you would normally wear 
just regular nice clothings. but like conference   if you're giving a speech. and you're going 
to be on stage. maybe you very particularly   would wear something nice and do your hair well. I 
don't even remember the last time I got dolled up.   Yeah, I'm like in casual clothes all the 
time. I work by myself. Nobody has to see me.   So I'm just kind of like wearing whatever I 
want to wear. Just pajamas. Yeah, pajamas. Right now   everyone, Kristen's in a shower robe. She just like 
stepped out of the shower and came to the studio.   Just kidding, just kidding. knock someone's socks 
off means that you are really like impressed   overwhelm or excite someone. Okay, so let's see 
how it's used. How did the presentation go mike?   I'm pretty sure I knocked their socks off. They 
signed the contract immediately. So in this case,   it doesn't have anything to do with the looks. No 
it's more like, oh, it's very impressive you did a   wonderful job. Wow, that was an amazing presentation. 
Bravo. Tell me where to sign the contract. yes, yeah,   yeah, that's right. That's how you can knock 
someone's socks off. Your band was amazing. You   really knocked everyone's socks off. mm-hmm. So this 
is the band just sounded so good. They were so cool.   They knocked their socks off. Yeah, so, in this case 
in the dialogue we used it for physical appearance.   which definitely we could use but if you did a 
really great job. Yes, uh, if you really impressed   someone. You really could knock their socks off. 
Yes. And I would say this does sound a little   bit jokey now. I would say my father's generation 
and above, yeah, use this expression very seriously.   But the kids these days, anyone probably 45 and 
under I would say it's kind of like well you   just knocked my socks off. So, what would you say 
instead Cameron? You blew them away. Oh, blew them   away. To blow someone away is just impressed them 
so much. That's a good alternative. Yeah, yeah, it's   still used, yeah, uh, but it does feel a little 
jokey. a little old. not old. just jokey. okay yeah   He knocked those socks off. It's cute. It's cute. Now 
How about this one? To put your best foot forward.   This means to basically show a good version of 
yourself. Yes. The perfect version. Yeah. The best The   best it can be. yes. Uh, you want to do this one? Yeah. 
I'm meeting Carol's parents tonight. Any advice?   Yes, just try to put your best foot forward also 
don't talk too much. Oh, that's hard. I talk a lot.   you talk a lot. Yes, so whenever you are basically 
having a job interview. When you are meeting your   boyfriend or girlfriend's parents for the first 
time. Yes. Uh, when you the first day of work. All   of those things you want to put your best foot 
forward. You want to give them a good impression.   Right. You're not lying necessarily. But you're 
just trying to look the best you possibly can.   Right. Okay. You have to put your best 
foot forward when you talk to the voters.   Yeah, you have to make sure that you 
show them you're a good candidate.   Kind of hide the bad parts of your personality. 
Yeah, so, it is basically like just giving a good   impression. Yes, our power pattern today is blah 
blah blah blah so how bad could it be? Oh it's   not that bad. It's not that bad. Okay, it only 
rained a little bit so how bad could it be?  The economic news wasn't the worst I've ever seen 
so how bad could it be? Yeah. It can't be that bad.   It can't be that bad. I will say sometimes this 
is used as a joke where something's really bad.   Yeah. But you're pretending like it's not a big 
deal. For example. It's like oh if we're talking   about economic news, the inflation rate is only 20%. 
Yeah. How bad could it be? So you're using sarcasm.   Yeah, it's kind of a sarcastic. As a joke. Yeah. Got 
it. All right. Our Power Vocab is class reunion.   Yes. And you can check out the definition 
on page 12. Let's thank our sponsor. All righty and please go over to 오디오 어학당 and please check us out there. Yes, we'll see 
you there. Thanks for studying with us bye-bye.
