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[안녕 자두야]달려라 난항씨 / I'm a working mom. (Scene ?,?) [ Scene ? ] 애도 못챙기면서 무슨 일을 한다고. How can I work when I can't even take care of my child. 괜히 일한답시고 소란만 피우고. / I made a mess out of work thing. 내가 당신한테 부탁할께 있어요. / I have something to ask you. 일 조금만 있다가 해요. 우리 애기 좀더 크고 나서. / You will work a little later after our baby is older. Put off work for a little bit until our baby gets a little older. 내 용돈 줄이지뭐. / I'll just spend less money. 난 당신이 애들 옆에 있어줬.. 2021. 4. 12.
EBS Power English(파워잉글리쉬) 21.04.05 EBS Power English(파워잉글리쉬) 21.03.26 영어 level three power English. Welcome to the show. Hello everyone I'm Kristen Cho and I'm Cameron word. Okay we're so happy to have you with us. We're on page 25. It's a food die long day. (???) My favorite topic food okay so this month we're having a family dinner. Oh yeah. So we're gonna so the whole like we're gonna have like four or five dialogues about thi.. 2021. 4. 5.
[안녕 자두야]달려라 난항씨 / I'm a working mom. (Scene 7,8) [ Scene 7 ] 엄마 일하니까 참 좋다, 그치? / It likes for mom to work, is it? Isn't it so nice that mom is working? 니들 엄마가 집에 없다고 하루종일 tv만 보고 그러면 안돼. / You guys can't watch TV all day because mom isn't home. Oh, guys, you shouldn't be watching TV all day just because mom isn't home. 아빠도 엄마 없다고 맨날 늦게 오고 그러면 안돼요. / Dad shouldn't be home late either just because mom isn't home. You shouldn't come home so late e.. 2021. 3. 31.
[안녕 자두야]달려라 난항씨 / I'm a working mom. (Scene 5,6) [ Scene 5 ] 과장님, 조심히 들어가십시오. / Have a safe trip home, sir. 아, 윤대리 오늘 한잔 할까? / Oh, Mr.Yoon, want to grab a drink? 예? 과장님이 왠일이세요? / What? That's a first, sir. 자두 엄마가 일을 시작해서 이제 자유의 몸이거든. / My wife started working so I'm free now. [ Scene 6 ] 엇, 엄마왔다! / Ooh, Mom's home. 엄마 다녀오셨어요? 여보 고생 많았지? / Welcome home, mom. Honey, how was your day? 아니예요. / Fine. 윽, 열쇠를 두고 왔나봐. / I forgot my keys in my car. 엄마,.. 2021. 3. 30.