Easy English - 21년 4월 02일
이지 잉글리쉬는 듣고 따라하기에는 쉬운 교재이다.
내용을 외워서 말해보는것도 그리 어렵지 않다.
그렇지만, 막상 그 내용을 누군가에게 설명하는 것처럼 요약해서 말해보면 결코 쉽지 않다.
바로 이것이 스피밍 연습이 될꺼라 생각한다.
그래서 아래 스토리를 누군가에게 말하는 것처럼 연습해 봤다.
내가 작성한것이 말이 되는지, 더 좋은 표현이나 수정 할 부분이 있다면 알려주기 바란다.
이 글을 보신 분들도 한번 해 보시길 추천한다.
[원 문]
엄마 바깥 날씨가 따뜻하고 좋네.
우리 나가서 걷자.
준 저는 그냥 집에 있으면 안 돼요?
엄마 너 또 게임 할 거 아니지, 그치?
준 엄마, 저 일주일째 게임 안 했어요.
그리고 이건 그냥 게임만 하는 게 아니에요.
엄마 좋아. 딱 20분만이야. 약속하는 거지?
I think the EBS Easy English is easy to listen to and repeat.
It is not that hard to speak after memorizing a passage.
But it is so hard to explain to someone about passages in it
So, I'm sure that this way would help me speak English.
So, I read a passage, included below, and wrote a summary as if I were talking about it.
I want to let me know if the paraphrasing makes sense.
Please, after reading it, provide me better expressions where applicable.
And I recommend you to try this way, too.
Mom It's nice and warm outside.
Let's go out and walk.
Jun Can't I just stay home?
Mom You're not going to play games again, right?
Jun Mom, I haven't played games for a week.
And it's more than just playing games.
Mom Okay. Only for 20 minutes. Promise?
Mom Wow, it's nice and warm outside.
I thought it would rain today.
It's because it was cloudy last night.
Anyway, I want you to walk out with me.
So, what do you think?
Jun Can't I just stay home?
I'm a little tired.
Mom You slept late last night playing games again, right?
How many times do I have to tell you?
Jun Come on. Mom.
I didn't play games but I slept late doing my homework.
And I haven't played games for a week.
Mom Oh, really? Okay, I trust you. Then only for 20 minutes. Promise?
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