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영어 연습/영어 표현

나의 일상 대화1

by munnight 2021. 8. 13.

[나의 일상]

  1. 맞아, 이게 좋은 방법이야! / Yes, this is a good way!
  2. 맞아, 이거야! / That's right. That's it.
  3. 우리 주말에 뭐할까? / What shall we do this weekend?
  4. 주말에 약속 있어? / Do you have any plans this weekend?(appointment는 전문적인 직업을 가진 사람과의 약속임)
  5. 승준아, 레고방 갈래? / Seong Joon, do you want to go to the Lego Room?
  6. 레고방 가고 싶으면 미리 선우랑 약속을 잡아. 아빠가 데려다 줄께. / If you want to go to the Lego Romm, you make an appointment with Seon Woo in advance. Dad will take both of you there.
  7. (극장가서)우리 이거 볼까? / What about watching this?
  8. 잘 다녀왔어? / Did you have a good time? / How was company? Has your company went well?
  9. 이제 오니? / Did you just come home?
  10. (영화 본 후)재미있네. / It was fun.
  11. (ex : 바나나가 너무 커서)와~ 하나만 먹어도 배부르겠다. / Wow, I’d be full even if I ate just one.
  12. 아직 30분 안됐어? / Hasn’t it been 30 minutes? It's not half an hour yet?
  13. 오늘은 일찍 자야겠다. / I’m so tired. I'm gonna have to go to bed early today.
  14. 이것만 읽고 자자. / I'll just read this and go to sleep.
  15. 오전에 실측 있는데 오후에 참석해도 되나요? / Come to think of it, I have an interior inspection in the morning, can I attend in the afternoon?
  16. 그거 어떻게 알았어? 책에서 봤어? / How did you know that? Did you see it in the book?
  17. 거기에 모든게 다 들어 있을수는 없겠지. / It won’t contain everything.  I don't think the book could containe everything.
  18. 나는 화장실 잠깐 들렸다가 거기로 갈테니 너는 기다리지말고 먼저 가고 있어. / I'm going to go to the bathroom quickly, then I'll meet you there, you can go on ahead. I'll stop by the bathroom and go there, so you don't wait and go first. I'm gonna stop by the restroom and go there. So you don't wait me and just keep going there.
  19. 결국 12시가 되버렸네. / It's already 12:00? It is already 12:00. or It's already 12:00? Finally it is 12:00.
  20. 안되는건 안되는거야. / No means no.(달콤한 육아 영어-cake)
  21. 둘은 나이가 거의 비슷해요. / They're almost the same age.(what's inside? family-cake)
  22. 이건 저랑 정말 비슷해요. / This is really similar to me.(셀럽잉글리쉬-cake)
  23. 그거랑 비슷한거 아냐? / Isn't it similar to that?(hinative)
  24. 그거랑 똑같은거 아냐? / Isn't it the same?
  25. 그거랑 같은거야. / It's the same!
  26. 그거랑 같은거잖아. / You know it's the same.
  27. 25~27번 한번에 / Isn't it the same? It is! You know it.
  28. 몇 분(시간) 남았어? 20분 남았어. / How many minutes(hours) left? Twenty minutes left.
  29. (=한국사람에게 말한다고 해서 또박또박 말하지 말고 영어 원어민과 대화 하는 것처럼 말해 줘)네가 너의 친구들과 얘기하는 것 처럼 나에게 얘기해줘 / Please speak to me like how you speak with your friends.
  30. 오늘은 일요일이어서 아들과 교회에 다녀왔어. / Today is Sunday so I went to church with my son.
  31. 요즘에는 자다가 새벽에 자꾸 깨. 생각이 많아서 그런지 모르겠지만 어제도 새벽 2시30분에 깨어서 새벽 5시20분에 다시 잠들었어.ㅜㅜ 지금 너무 피곤하고 졸려 죽겠어. / These days, I keep waking up at dawn. I don't know if it's because I have a lot of thoughts but I woke up at 2:30 a.m. yesterday and fell asleep again at 5:20 a.m. I'm so sleepy right now.
  32. 오랜만에 친구와 맥주를 마시니 맛있었다. / A cold beer with friends after a long time is more delicious.
  33. 영어로 말한다는게 참 쉽지 않아요. / I think it's not quite easy to talk in English.
  34. 영어 공부한지 얼마나 됐는데? / How long have you been studying English?
  35. 내가 벌써 영어를 잘하면 아무나 다하지! / If I could speak english well already, anybody could!
  36. 외국에 유학 갔다고 잘하는거 아니고 외국에서 나름 말한다고 해도 완벽할수는 없다고 하더라고요. / People say that they haven't been good at English even if they have been studying abroad, and they can't be as perfect as a native, even if they have spoken well with locals. / Just because I studied abroad, it doesn’t mean that I am good at english, and even when I did speak english abroad, I found that I could not speak like the native speakers could.
  37. 아직은 말하는 연습을 많이 못해서 제대로 표현을 못해요. / Because I haven’t practiced speaking in English very much, I can’t express myself properly just yet.
  38. 물어봐줘서 고마워. 가족과 캠핑 갔었어. 좋았겠군요. / Thanks for asking. My family and I went camping. That's nice.
  39. 스터디 날짜가 연기 되서 나는 연습을 많이 할 줄 알았다. 그러나 오히려 여느때보다 더 연습을 안했다. / Since the study date was postponed/ pushed back/ cancelled, I thought it would make me practice a lot more. But instead, I practiced less than before. / Compared to other days, I practiced less.
  40. 타이머 맞췄어? / Did you set the timer up?
  41. 올해 첫 눈이네. / It's the first snow of the season.(cake)
  42. 나 머리 자른것 알아? / Did you notice my new haircut? > Do you know I got my hair cut?
  43. 요즘 새벽에 계속 깨어서 잠을 못자는데 다행히 오늘은 그렇게 일찍 깨어난건 아니었다. / 않았다. 눈을 떠보니 새벽 5시30분이었다. / Recently I keep waking up at dawn and can't sleep. Fortunately, I didn't wake up so early today. I opened my eyes and it was 5:30 am.
  44. 다시 잠들려고 애썼어. 이리 뒤척이고 저리 뒤척이고. 머릿속이 너무 복잡하고 별의별것이 다 떠오르더라고. 잠이들지 않아 너무 힘들었어. / I tried to fall asleep again, but could only toss and turn in my bed. I was distressed because I had so much on my mind, and I couldn’t fall asleep.
  45. 그러고 보니, 생각해보니 / come to think of it.
  46. 화면에 표시된 시간은 보일러가 그 시간 간격마다 30분씩 작동한다는 것을 의미합니다. / The time shown on the screen means that the boiler will operate for 30 minutes at that time interval. / The time shown on the screen means the time the boiler is stopped. If the time pass, it operates again for 30 minutes. And then it repeats the process. And then it repeats the cycle.
  47. 감사하며 살아야되지 않을까? 감사하며 살면되지 않을까? 이 생을 주시고 앞길이 막막할때 주셨던 길인데 나태해지고 욕심이 생겨서 감사히 받았던걸 잊고 사는건 아닐까? 목표! 글쎄 목표가 별게 있을까? 나의 가족, 나의 가정 잘 지켜내고 행복한 추억들 많이 만들고 승준이 행복한 사람이 되도록 길 안내하는 것이, 또 나에게 생명주신 그분께 감사하며 조금이나마 복음에 도움이 되려 노력하는자가 되면 되지 않을까... 191204 새벽에..
  48. 영화 뭐 보기로 했어? 영화 뭘 볼꺼야? / What movie did you decide to watch? What movie are you gonna watch?
  49. 아침 6시가 다 되어 간신히 다시 잠들었다. / At 6 o'clock in the morning I barely fell asleep again. / It was almost 6 o'clock when I fell asleep again.
  50. 너 스스로 해야지. / You have to do it by yourself.
